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Groggy in the Morning? Try This 3 Minute Stretch to Start Your Day Right!



3 Minute Stretch to Start Your Day Right!

For those of us who are not morning people…waking up on the wrong side of the bed, being rushed, sore and grumpy is not a great way to start the day. We all want to start the day feeling happy, refreshed and calm. The best way to really wake up your body is to give it a quick stretch first thing in the morning instead of waiting until after work or after the gym.

Three steps to a 3 minute energy boosting stretch:

Step 1: Set a happy alarm just 5 minutes earlier then usual (I suggest soft nature sounds instead of a buzzer)

Step 2: Start your stretching as soon as you open your eyes (instead of getting out of bed…. Finding the right clothes…)

Reach your arms and legs in opposite directions, pull your knees toward your chest, there are lots of options here!

Step 3: Finish your body stretch beside your bed

Remember to honor the three minutes you set aside to wake up your body the right way. Take some deep breaths and reach your hands to the ceiling, bend down and touch your toes, stretch your quads. Focus your attention on your breath and your body.


These three minutes will give you an every boost to start the day!


– Emily

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