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How to Heal Like a Teenager (the secret to get out of pain faster!)


It can be frustrating when you feel like you’re doing everything to get better but your progress is slow.



This week Dr. Rob is sharing his secret to getting better faster!


Movement = stability x mobility


How well you move depends on the stability of that joint AND the mobility.


Each joint in your body has a different formula for how much mobility it needs and how stable it should be. Your shoulder is a very MOBILE joint but it’s not very stable whereas your hp is very STABLE but doesn’t have as much motion. Thankfully to make up for the lack of structural stability of a joint like the shoulder, our bodies have motor control to help improve stability while we move.


Motor control is the result of signals from your muscle to your brain and back to your muscle so that you can effectively move and control a joint while you move it. While that process seems simple, there are a lot of signals and factors that go into motor control. Making sure those signals are working properly can help improve your motor control and how well you move.


So what might effect your motor control?


  • You’re REALLY tired. Not getting enough sleep can cause a host of issues in the body. That foggy feeling of not being able to think straight after a crappy night of sleep applies to the part of your brain that controls movement too. If you’re tired your brain struggles to process incoming signals, whether that’s the milk your spouse told you to pick up at the store or the rehab exercises you’re trying to do.
  • You’re dehydrated. Muscles are around 80% and your nervous system is 75% water. Getting enough water is important for your body to transmit signals around your body. So drinking a large glass of water before doing your rehab could help improve your motor control!
  • You’re in a lot of pain. Your brain doesn’t like pain signals and your brain will change entire movement patterns in your body to avoid feeling pain. Doing rehab exercises while you’re in a lot of pain may actually undermine the purpose of doing rehab and result in movement patterns that cause more problems down the road. Waiting to do rehab or stretches until your pain is more manageable will improve your motor control and outcomes.
  • You’re really stressed right now. Have you ever tried to unlock your front door while you’re in a rush? That shaky, frustrating feeling of not being able to get the key in even though you’ve done it a million times is your body’s motor control under acute stress. Stress hormones can also slow down tissue healing and prolong your recovery process. Managing stress is a big part of recovery!


All these little things can add up and affect your healing journey. This is why our therapists ask about all these ‘little things’ during appointments, because they can play a big role in your recovery!


Making little changes in your daily routine like drinking an extra glass of water, going to bed 20 minutes earlier, or taking half an hour to manage your stress can really make a big impact on your body.


If you feel like you need some extra help with your recovery come see one of our amazing chiropractors, physiotherapists, or massage therapists to get you healing like a teenager again!


Book with one of our amazing physiotherapists HERE to work on perfect stability exercises for you!


Call (519)885-5433, email, or click at the top of the page to book online.


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