I love setting goals, but mostly I love achieving them!
One of my favourite parts of being a Fitness Coach at Price Chiropractic and Fitness is helping people achieve their goals. It is such an amazing moment witnessing someone lose a certain amount of weight, drop body fat % or lift weight they never imagined they could! It is such a thrill!
It is great to have a purpose or a direction when coming in for your workouts.
What drives you? What motivates you? Why do you come into Price for your training?
It is super common with the start of a new year people set fitness goals. But lets make is a SMART goal.
S- Specific
M- Measurable
A- Attainable
T-Time Targeted
My goal is to deadlift 315lbs by June 1st.
I specifically want to deadlift 315lbs.
It is measurable by keeping track of the weights I lift.
It is attainable because it is a possible thing to do with my strength training background.
It is realistic because I know I am capable and have come close to this weight before.
My time frame is by June 1st.
Take a moment and write your goal down using the SMART format.
Write it down and make it real.
AND of course tell us what it is so we can help you achieve it!
Tell your Fitness Coaches in the gym or email it to kelli@pricehealth.ca
Kelli Wallace