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The Positive Side of the Crisis

With so many things out of our control right now it is important to focus on the things that we can control.

Dr. Rob is here to share the silver lining of this pandemic and maybe even a few of his favourite memes.

While there are obvious tragic consequences of being in a state of emergency during a pandemic there are also numerous opportunities. This lockdown has provided us with more time.

We can use this time to make ourselves feel better or we can use it to make ourselves feel worse. We want to show you how you can use this time to your advantage!

Having our calendars cleared of all social and work obligations outside of our homes has forced us to slow down and spend time with the people who are most important to us.

We’re so used to having busy packed schedules it may be hard to adjust to doing nothing for a little while. Having this extra free time can really help you prioritize things and people that are the most important to us.

When life is put on hold like this we get a number of opportunities to reflect. Being restricted in the things you can do during a day, like going to work, going to the gym, going for coffee with a friend, really makes us reflect on why we do certain things and why they are or are not important to us. When we come out of this I think many people will keep some of the changes they’ve made during this crisis.

In the mean time it is important to make changes to adapt to working at home or working less. Getting into a new routine can help you feel less stressed and manage all the free time you now have.

Here are some examples of how our staff is scheduling their quarantine routines:

Keeping Your Family Occupied:

  •  Read
  •  Exercise
  • Chores
  • Outdoor time
  • Educational time – math/spelling/google slides. One idea for the little ones is to pick an animal to research each week.
  • Family Olympics. Plan something to have a fun competition with each night ie ping pong tournament, game, colour contest, races, soccer and tally up points. Winner at the end of this gets to pick our first outing when we get the green light to go out.
  • Weekends chill

Staying on top of Work & School:

  • 8:00 Wake up & make breakfast
  • 8:30 Enjoy coffee & check emails
  • 9:00 Make a checklist of things to do
  • 9:30 Watch lectures/Research for work
  • 1:00 Lunch & watch a show. (We like Parks & Recreation and Schitt’s Creek)
  • 2:00 Make social media posts
  • 5:00 Workout with the Fit Club
  • 6:30 Dinner
  • 7:00 Go for a long walk and explore new neighbourhoods
  • 8:00 Watch a movie – we alternate who gets to to pick!
  • 11:00 Bed time

Whether you’re sticking to a strict routine or making a loose to-do list for the day make sure you’re taking time to relax and do things you enjoy!

We’re a Community That Cares For Each Other

We’re all amazed at the kindness and compassion that we’re seeing from people during this time. It’s great to see people helping friends, family, and strangers during this difficult time. We’ve seen a ton of great posts from our staff and practice members about kind acts they’ve seen in the community and we want to hear from you!

What are you doing to get through this quarantine? Let us know by sharing to our social media pages!

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