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What is Diastasis Recti?

In short, it’s a gap in between your right and left abdominal wall muscles that can result in a rounded, protruding belly.

Many women have this separation after pregnancy and I know this all too well!  All of my babies were big and my abdomen was stretched to its limit.  Contributing factors include:

– having more than one child,

– being over the age of 35 when pregnant

– large babies or twins, triplets etc.

Diastasis Recti


Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Relax your head and shoulders and place your fingers (palm facing you) just above your belly button.

Lift your head and neck very slightly off the floor and press down with your fingertips. If you feel a gap, that’s the diastasis. You will feel the muscles close in around your fingers as you lift your head and neck but don’t lift your shoulders. Repeat the test  directly over the belly button, and also a couple of inches below.  Some women may have a gap up to 4 fingers width.

EXERCISES TO AVOID directly after child birth if you have Diastasis Recti

Traditional abdominal curl or sit up

Incline sit-ups

Intense abdominal exercise machines

Exercise ball sit-ups/ball leg raises

Bicycle legs

Double leg raise

Intense core plank exercises



Diaphragmatic breathing

Wall pushups


Heel Slides

Side Planks

Pelvic Floor Exercises





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