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You Get to Choose What to Do With This Opportunity


We’re all under stress right now, but if you look around life in general thrives under stress.


Thriving right now is easier said than done, but this week Dr. Rob wants to inspire you to use this lock-down as an opportunity.


This pandemic is a temporary reset of the world and we can use it as an opportunity to better ourselves.


Disruption and isolation have a way of encouraging us to re-evaluate our lives – and that can set the stage for change.


People who’ve gone through a stressful event or struggle in the way that we are experiencing now, that struggle can simultaneously be distressing as well as a time for enormous growth. And growth is powerful!


When everything is business-as-usual we become hooked into an autopilot mode of living. We have all of our habits and our routines, it can be easy to keep doing things the way we’ve always done them. Being forced to stay home and completely change our routines has made many people experience a great reorganization of their priorities that will last long after this pandemic is over.


We get to choose how we utilize this time, our time.


Are you going to sit and stress? or are you going to focus on things like moving, eating, and sleeping better?


In the words of Victor E. Frankl:


Everything can be taken from a man but

one thing: the last of the human freedoms –

to choose one’s attitude in any given set of

circumstances, to choose one’s own way.

We encourage you to use this time as an opportunity. We are all sharing in misfortune; hopefully we will come out stronger on the other side.

If you’re in pain and in need of emergency physiotherapy you can email to see if you qualify. We also have virtual appointments available with your chiropractor or physiotherapist. You can book online here.



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